መሸጣ ሎቴሪ ቲኬት ERISATን ንምንቕስቓስ ይኣክል ወይ ደንበ ፍትሒ።

ዋጋ ትኬት $20 ዶላር ካቡኡ $15 ዶላር ኤሪሳት፣ $5 ድማ ንምንቕስቓስ ይኣክል ናይ ከተማታት***።

ንኣብነት ሓንቲ ከተማ 100 ቲኬት እንተሸይጣ $500 ዶላር ነታ ከተማ ዘሎ ምንቕስቓስ ይኣክል ኣታዊ ኣምጽያ ኣላ ማለት እዩ። እዚ ድማ 25% ማለት እዩ።

1ይ ብልጫ $1500 ዶላር ወይ ካኣ ኣፕል ዴስክቶፕ
2ይ ብልጫ $1000 ወይ ካኣ ኣፕል ኢፖድ ፕሮ
3ይ ብልጫ $500 ወይ ካኣ ኣፕል ዋች

ዕጫ ዝወድቐሉ መዳእታ ታሕሳስ 2019

ውጽኢት ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ERISAT ክፍኖ እዩ። www.erisat.org

*** ንውድባት ጥራይ እዩ ዝምልከት።***

ትኬት ክትእእዝዙን ንዝብለጸ ሓበሬታ፣

ኣብ ካናዳን ኣብ ካላኦት ከተማታትን ኣውሮፓ ወሲካ፥
ኣቤል ተስፊት 416-866-7410 ????????

ኣብ ኣሜሪካ፥
ደሳለ ወልዱ 503 954 8949 ????????

Further to our current fundraising compagin of selling lottery tickets ERISAT would like to collaborate with all of the Yiakle movements internationally and/or justice seeking organizations. Our proposal is, part of the sell of the lottery tickets would be shared with the local movement. Which is a win win situation, for the organization and ERISAT.

When ticket is sold at $20, $15 would go to ERISAT and $5 would be donated to the local movement.Thus, 25% of the sell would be allocated to the local Yiakle movement.

For example if a city sells 100 tickets it would generate $500 for the local organization.

ERISAT will mange all aspects of administrative responsibilities.

Information about the lottery:
1st prize Apple desktop or cash $1500 USD

2nd prize Apple IPad pro
or cash of $1000 USD

3rd prize Apple watch
Or cash $500 USD

Draw date is in December 2019.

This offer is only for organizations.

To order your tickets in Canada contact
Abiel Tesfit
647 388 9179

Desale Weldu
503 954 8948