1. What is ERISAT?
    ERISAT (Eritrean Satellite Television) is a 501C non-profit non-governmental media organization registered in California, USA.
  2. When and how was ERISAT established?
    ERISAT was established in October 2018. Few committed Eritreans initiated the idea and shared with others. It quickly got positive response from many Eritreans and continues to function by the support of the public and collective work of volunteers.
  3. What are ERISAT objectives?
    ERISAT works under a framework referred to as “the three Ds” – Dissemination, Diversity and Dialogue – to promote and provide platforms for dialogue among the broader community for positive change and political transformation in Eritrea.
  4. What satellite carries ERISAT and what is the frequency?
    Satellite system: EUTELSAT 8 West B.
    Orbit position: 8 Degree West.
    Transponder: BEM7
    Symbol Rate: 27500
    FCE Rate: 7/8
    Modulation: 12521
    Polarization: Vertical
  5. Is ERISAT affiliated with any political organizations or oppositions parties?
    No. It’s a non-profit organization established by concerned professional Eritreans who stand for democracy and justice and aim to deliver educational, factual, and relevant issues and events in Eritrea and the region.
  6. Is ERISAT a registered organization and under what category?
    Yes. It’s a non-profit 501C tax-exempt organization registered in the state of California.
  7. Where does ERISAT funding come from?
    ERISAT is by the people for the people and as such its day-to-day operations relies on funds from contributors and volunteers.
  8. How can individuals donate to ERISAT?
    To donate, please visit ERISAT website at www.erisat.org . There are many options to donate through PayPal or direct deposit to ERISAT bank account.
  9. What does ERISTAT program content reflect?
    ERISAT program content reflects Eritrea’s current political, cultural and social diversity to fill information gap abroad and home about Eritrea.
  10. In what languages does ERISAT broadcast?
    ERISAT aims and strives to broadcast in all Eritrean languages, English and Arabic. At the moment, with limited resources, ERISAT broadcasts in four languages, Tigrinya, Tigre, Bilen and Afar.
  11. Are ERITSAT programs available on the internet and the social media platforms?
    Yes. ERISAT programs are available on www.erisat.org , www.youtube.com/ERISAT and on FaceBook ERISAT page
  12. Who are ERISAT target audience?
    ERISAT target audiences are mainly Eritreans living in Eritrea. Eritreans living, abroad and individuals and entities interested in political, social and cultural development in the region.
  13. How can I support ERISAT?
    You can support ERISAT through donations, or through being a fund-raising ERISAT ambassador in your area, and volunteering in our day-to-day programs.
  14. How can I contact ERISAT?
    Website: www.erisat.org
    Admin Email: info@erisat.org