ERISAT-Eritrean Satellite Television—is a non-profit digital platform dedicated to providing universal access, over-the-air, high-quality content to its Eritrean audience inside and outside Eritrea. It is committed to disseminate fact-based news to inform, educate, create awareness and bridge the information gap that exists among Eritreans inside Eritrea and in the diaspora, thereby creating a full picture of the political, social, economic and cultural life of Eritreans and provide accurate information and project hope and optimism throughout all programming. ERISAT’s slogan is “serving Eritreans, by Eritreans, for Eritreans”, where members coming from different political, religious, ethnic backgrounds commit to work in unity for a common purpose. ERISAT strives to create, produce and distribute outstanding content, through trusted journalism to inform, entertain, engage, transform, and inspire our Eritrean audience in Eritrea and throughout the world.

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